Contract Disputes

Unfortunately, in the current economic climate, contract disputes, whether that is late payment of a commercial debt, or disputes over the poor standard and quality of workmanship carried out at your home or business, disputes over payment terms, or just disagreements over the period or duration of a contract (for example) are an all too frequent occurrence.  

Here, at Sparlings Solicitors we have a good track record, of dealing with such contract claims, whether you are the Claimant seeking to be paid, for the work that you have carried out or, the Defendant, in a claim brought by somebody seeking to delay payment or, to challenge the quality of work that has been carried out by you.

If therefore, you need help in dealing with a contract claim, then for friendly, approachable and practical legal advice, please contact our Colchester office, telephone us on 01206 733 733, email or if easier, complete the form below.

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